CogSIMA 2018 continues and expands the research domain of situation management that was established by the first conference CogSIMA 2011. The aim of CogSIMA conferences is to provide a venue for presenting scientific results on interdisciplinary studies of complex heterogeneous dynamical systems that include humans, physical systems, and computer agents whose behaviors depend on situations.

Submissions should clearly indicate the submission type on the first page:

Each type of submission has additional requirements that are available by clicking on the submission type. Authors should prepare a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of their full paper in 2-column style (main text in 10-point size) including figures and correct margins. Please use the stylesheet templates provided by IEEE to assure that your proposal is in line with our guidelines. For more information contact admin@cogsima.org. All paper submissions will be handled electronically in EDAS. Click here to submit

Authors of accepted submissions will need to sign an IEEE copyright release form and present their paper at the conference. The conference proceedings will be digitally published by IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.

Due Dates

  • Special Session Proposals: January 15, 2018
  • Regular/Poster Papers and Tutorial Proposals: March 18, 2018 (Extended Deadline)
  • Late Breaking Reports: April 2, 2018

Call For Papers Flyer: US Letter, DIN A4

Sponsors and Patrons

Lockheed Martin
Charles River Analytics
Smart Cloud